When I first started planing my photo shoot, my initial thought was what to feature. I had a few ideas of taking photos of students doing work as it could lead to many articles. I made a decision to work my photos around stress because it symbolises and relates to student life. Next, I had to decide where to take my photos. I had decided that it should be either in a classroom or at home because they are the general places you do homework. I decided to do it at home because it shows that the stress doesn't stop at school; it continues at home. I asked my sister to be in my photo shoot as she is a year 7 student. A year 7 student is a good model as they are seen as innocent and shouldn't have such problems in their life. I took my photos with an Iphone camera because it was only a practice photo shoot and it didn't have to be an amazing resolution.
I edited the image on PhotoPlus so that there was a radial blur. This helped centre the image to the student and reflects a spinning, stressful emotion. This image is shown below before I added the conventions to go on top.
My magazine cover is shown below. I added my masthead The Saint because I felt it related to the catholic school theme. The font I used Looks old and traditional; much like the Catholic Church. I also put a puff on my magazine advertising a competition in the magazine which will entice the reader. I added cover lines and coloured the font so that they stand out.
As part of my preliminary task I have created a contents page that tells you the page numbers of articles in the magazine. I have put white boxes in positions where I would put a photo in a real magazine.